Recording of Dr David Rubens’s Lecture from the 6th Silk Road Academic Studies Symposium “The Silk Road: The First Information Super-Highway”

We are delighted to inform you that the recording of Dr Rubens’s lecture from the 6th Silk Road Academic Studies Symposium is now available on our website!

The 6th Silk Road Academic Studies Symposium was organised by the European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD) of University for Peace established by the United Nations. It was held in Belgrade, from June 1st to June 2nd 2023.

Dr David Rubens, Executive Director of the ISRM, is also the Professor at the United Nations University for Peace (ECPD) and the Director of the Department of Strategic Risk and Crisis Management.

He was one of the featured speakers, giving a presentation on “The Silk Road: The First Super-Information Highway.”

His presentation explores the Silk Road’s historical significance and its relevance in today’s interconnected world.


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