Planning and Implementing a Proportionate Response to a Chemical Incident

Chemical substances used on a site that is regulated under the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulation can be hazardous and dangerous.

Those in charge of ensuring safety (e.g. COMAH or health and safety managers); have a tactical or strategic responsibility for on-site emergency response or lead a corporate crisis management team.

For this summit, NCEC’s emergency response and hazmat experts will be joined by John Lord (incident command expert), Jon Crawley (hazmat and COMAH expert) and David Rubens (strategic expert for multiagency crises). They will discuss planning and implementing a proportionate response, based on best practice, to an incident at a chemical site.

The speakers will talk through various real-life incidents to help attendees understand the risks at every stage of incident response. The panel will discuss:

  • Horizon scanning for new hazards or threats that may cause potential emergencies.
  • Analysis of situations to understand the likelihood of an emergency occurring and the impact it would have on people, the environment, assets and an organisation’s reputation and legal responsibilities.
  • Activities to reduce the likelihood of an emergency.
  • Developing and validating emergency plans to test response arrangements for known risks and unforeseen events.
  • The decisions and actions that can be taken to deal with the immediate effects of an emergency.
  • The intersection between emergency management and the corporate crisis response.
  • Best practice for the corporate response to an incident at a COMAH site.
  • The process of rebuilding, restoring and rehabilitating after a crisis.

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