The ISRM is delighted to present a paper from our partner Assess Threat: Modernising Risk Assessments and Building Community Resilience. The paper, by Nazli Hocaoglu and Zoe Miles, discusses the urgent need for modernising risk assessment methodologies to build community resilience for the upcoming implementation of Martyn’s Law in the UK, which is poised to set the new standard in counter-terrorism strategies for crowded places.
A key highlight in the paper is a focus on quantitative risk assessments using technology-based engines such as Terrorism Risk Assessor (TeRA).
TeRA operates differently from traditional human risk assessments. Instead of being based on consultants’ judgements, it utilises a model based on data from the Global Terrorism Database and research by in-house experts, generating an impartial report based on quantitative historical data and web scraping to assess the appeal of an asset or event’s location to potential terrorists.
The platform offers several advantages: it’s faster, more accurate, and can be substantiated. It’s likewise highly scalable, allowing consultants to produce 10-15 comprehensive reports per day for Protect duty compliance, and supporting the community with better information and education.
For more information about Assess Threat and TeRA feel free to contact the ISRM team, or visit the Assess Threat website.