Garry Bergin F.ISRM (Vice Chair of ISRM Ireland Chapter) was formally admitted to the Register of Chartered Security Professionals.
Read what he said on LinkedIn:
It is with immense pride that I can say that today, I was formally admitted to the Register of Chartered Security Professionals. For me, this is a huge career milestone and something I am incredibly proud of.
I would like to formally thank Bob Martin JP CSyP FSyI RISC MASC for his support and guidance with my application, and the document reviewers and interviewers who assisted with this process. Manguard Plus have also been hugely supportive throughout this process and it is greatly appreciated.
Finally, thank you to Victoria Smith and Di Thomas at The Security Institute for their support, speed and amazing administration and guidance throughout the process. Needless to say, I strongly recommend engaging with this process to anyone that is considering it.
You can visit Garry’s LinkedIn post and congratulate him personally.